SAFETYSafe and secure system
Introduction of monitor cameras

Introduction of monitor cameras
You can watch the live video from your smartphone.You can see your child sitting while sitting, even from a distance.
* For details on how to use it, please check below.
Unexpected accident
Insurance for

Unexpected accident
Insurance for
As a precaution, we have insurance that provides liability coverage in the event of injury to your child or property damage, as well as disability coverage for injuries caused by outpatient accidents and specified illnesses. For details, please see Article 14 of the Babysitter Service Terms.
Joined the National Childcare Service Association

Joined the National Childcare Service Association
In order to acquire the latest childcare technology and information on babysitter business, we have joined the National Childcare Service Association and are working to provide safe and secure childcare.
We are working on updating the in-house manual, focusing on the latest information on childcare.
Strict babysitter selection

Strict babysitter
At World Kids, we focus not only on qualifications and language skills, but also on personality and atmosphere.When you register, we always set up time to talk directly.Even after registration, only those who meet the criteria for personality, experience, and training results can work as resort babysitters for World Kids.
Implementation of OJT (on-the-job training)

On-the-job training (OJT)
At World Kids, we receive many requests for group childcare services associated with business travel such as seminars and academic societies.We also participate in infant childcare event support, and since there are many participating staff in such group childcare, inexperienced babysitters are accompanied by head office staff and experienced babysitters to carry out OJT. ..
Track record of 0 injuries/accidents

Achievements of injury / accident "XNUMX"
Since the establishment of World Kids, there have been no major injuries or accidents to children.The sitter takes great care according to the child's age and childcare scene.
Obtained international certification standard "ISO9001" certification

Obtained international certification standard "ISO9001" certification
We will raise awareness of quality, pursue customer satisfaction, and strive to develop and improve valuable services through legal compliance and continuous improvement so that our customers can use our services with peace of mind.

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