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Tanker YUA experience


We would like to introduce you to the experience of World Kids' new plan "Tanker UA" ☺


This time, a total of 17 people from both families experienced it✨

It was very lively with a large number of participants, from grandparents to parents and siblings to grandchildren!


Because I was planning to experience tanker YUA and have a meal,

We rented a semi-private room space in a hotel restaurant!

Tanker UA experience starts now♪

When you experience tanker UA, World Kids will provide you with Okinawa's traditional costume "Ryusou"!

Before the experience, first change your clothes♪

He seemed confused by the different clothes than usual... (lol)

Once you've made a cool and accurate decision, it's time to head to the red carpet where everyone is waiting for you💓

While everyone was waiting to see what he would choose, he crawled forward in a straight line.

The first one I chose...

It was mom! 😂

After all, you love your mom♡ and everyone smiled (lol)

But I hadn't picked anything yet, so I gathered myself and tried again!


What would you like? We carefully select the products. .

What I got after thinking about it...


It was my favorite soccer ball ✨

I often watch my dad play soccer,

Since they were playing with a ball together, it seems like they chose something familiar♪

Will he become a soccer player in the future? ☺

It was a fun time for everyone ♡

For the best memories♡

long-awaited family reunion

Everyone's faces became very bright, and everyone was enjoying family time in their own way (*^^*)

Her mother said, ``If it wasn't for Tanker YUA, I don't think our two families would have gotten together.It was a great opportunity.''

He said happily✨

We felt very happy to be able to support their precious day ☺

Even if you have a large number of participants, you can rent a small hotel banquet hall or a private room at a restaurant for the experience!

*The experience location will be the location specified by the customer.

Would you like to make the best memories by experiencing tanker UA with your family in Okinawa? ☺

Please check for details when making your inquiry.